한가한 때 영어로
- spare time
- 한가한: free; vacant; unemployed; otiose; leisure
- 때: 때11 [시간·시각] time; an hour; a moment.
- 한가: 한가 [恨-] resentment; umbrage. ~하다 resent; take umbrage at; blame.한가 [閑暇] leisure; leisure moments; spare time[hours]. ~하다 free; disengaged; be at leisure; have no work to do; have spare time[time to
- 때: 때11 [시간·시각] time; an hour; a moment. ~를 알리는 종소리 an hour bell. ~가 되면[오면] in due course of time / in (due) time / with time. (하루의) 이맘 ~에 at this time (of day). 아침은 공부하기에 가장 좋은 ~다 Morning is the best t
- 천가한: Khan of Heaven
- 장한가: Chang hen ge (poem)
- 한가닥: ray
- 한가위: 한가위 =추석(秋夕).
- 한가을: 한가을 [한창 무르익은 가을철] the depth[dead] of autumn[ fall]; [추수기] the busy harvesting season; the busy harvest time.
- 한가인: han ga in
- 한가지: 한가지 [똑같음] (one and) the same thing. 그것은 어느 쪽이나 ~다 It is all one to me. / It makes no difference. / It is quite the same thing. 고개를 끄덕이는 것은 찬성하는 것이나 ~다 Nodding your head is equivalent to saying yes.
- 그 때: then
- 때 아닌: untimely; ill-timed; untime; unseasonable; intempestive; premature
- 을 때: than
- 죽을 때: time of death